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What is spinal stenosis?

For instance, the diameter of the spinal canal measures larger in the cervical spine (neck) than it does in the lumbar spine (lower back) to accomdate the additional nerve pathways in that area. 

Likewise, between each vertebrae, there are holes called foramina that allow each set of spinal nerves to pass through on their pathy to whichever body part they control. 

If any of these canals or openings begin to narrow, that is called stenosis. If this progresses to a certain point, it can cause or the spinal cord itself to become compressed.  This can lead to a whole host of problems including pain and weakness, loss of organ function, among others. 

MRI or CT scan are the preferred imaging methods used to determine if stenosis is present and it's degree of severity. 

Non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression can be helpful. Spine surgery is typically a last option, but can be beneficial as well. 

David Cox, D.C. Dr. David Cox is Little Elm's Original Chiropractor! Passionately serving the area since 2001, he has been in Little Elm since it was a "one stop light town!"

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